Horse Grazing in the green field


The Equine Performance Registry of Australia (EPRA) is an all-breeds equine registry that is striving to revolutionise and unite the equine industry of Australia.

Horse galloping in the evening

leading members to success

Equine Performance Registry of Australia is an All-Breeds Equine Registry that passionately strives to revolutionise and unite the equine industry of Australia, as the only company in Australia, that caters for all breeds and disciplines Australia-wide.

With their genuine love for the equine industry, promotional sales support and community education, they offer horse breeders personalised service with a significant purpose.

the registration process is quick & easy

Full twelve months from date you join.

Life-time registration application and other registration forms.

Order a DNA testing kit, and view our Fact Sheets.

Join the Equine Revolution

Become part of a thriving community dedicated to enhancing the equine industry in Australia.

Revolutionizing the Equine Industry in Australia

Our registry connects all breeds, fostering collaboration and innovation. Experience the benefits of a unified equine community that elevates standards and practices.

horses in under the tree with evening sun
Mailing Address

PO Box 3673
West Tamworth NSW 2340


Babette: 0473 614 207


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